Teacher Information


This lesson was developed as part of an eMints project.  It should take a period of time to complete.  By completing this lesson, students should display understanding of various species of spiders.         


This lesson is designed for third grade language arts.  The lesson will involve writing through journals, and researching for information on various spiders.                      

NJ Core Curr. Standards

TEC.K-4.8.1 - All students will use computer applications to gather and organize information and to solve problems.
TEC.K- A - Basic Computer Tools and Skills
TEC.K- A.9 - Use basic computer icons.
TEC.K- A.8 - Use a graphic organizer.
TEC.K- B.7 - Locate specific information by searching a database.
LA. E.4 - Develop and use graphic organizers to build on experiences and extend learning.
LA. F.5 - Use pictures and context clues to assist with meaning of new words.
LA. H.2 -  Draw conclusions from information and data gathered.
LA. A - Writing as a Process (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, postwriting)
LA. B.2 - Write a narrative piece based on research.

LA. C.5 - Write legibly in manuscript or cursive to meet district standards.

Helpful Hints, Differentiation, and Extentions *

Students may complete tasks with more ease and understanding if they research only one assigned spider per day.

* For students of lower ability, consider adjusting scoring guide as needed.
* Advanced students could design a diarama of a spider habitat in addition to the activities described on the Process page.